
Solar energy is abundant, nearly infinite energy. It is a local clean source of energy that secures a community in a positive inspiring way that reestablishes a modern connection with nature. It is a new way to honor the old ways. Renewable energy is designed for each 7G Cloud Farm, industrial hemp farm, supply chain infrastructure, Harvest Village community, wherever energy is required, to reduce housing, business and government operating costs and increase reliability, security and resiliency of energy. The 7G team is uniquely qualified, with decades of renewable energy development experience.

Solar and agriculture are highly compatible. Agrovoltaics are increasingly applied to successful farm operations. Solar energy, in many geographies, is an essential farm input and a strategic advantage for increased resilience for farm operations. Renewable energy can become the primary source of energy for farm operations, when sized appropriately, or it can be the source of emergency back-up power. Battery storage is an integral part of a reliable power system, to enable the running of the high-tech grow system—24-hours a day.

Renewables can be designed as a part of a micro-grid providing power to the community. To develop a resilient farm system, alternate power systems must be in-place, such as: natural gas, hydrogen, diesel generator, and/or renewable energy and battery storage. Additionally, natural lighting can augment indoor lighting to reduce the overall power demand.

Other sources of clean energy may include wind, hydro, geothermal, and industrial waste heat (i.e., data centers and power plants). Additionally, waste heat from industrial and commercial applications offers attractive sources of low-cost energy