The Vision
7 Generations’ (7G) vision for Indian Country is realized by enhancing each Tribe’s sovereignty, independence, resilience, prosperity, for local food, energy, housing, health and wellness, and economic development.
As stewards of the land, we embrace regenerative agriculture and regenerative development. We actively support healthy living soil, biodiversity, and carbon sequestration. We seek to reduce poverty through equitable local economic growth. We promote diversity, inclusiveness, fairness and collaboration towards opportunities for all people. The outcome is an influx of capital, jobs, land stewardship that becomes a boon for Indian Country, and a sustainable regenerative model for the world.
The five “Ps” align with our partners, supply chains, investors, clients, and their communities. There is a symbiotic health relationship between:
People—healthy people
Place—healthy local community
Plants—healthy plants mean healthy Products
Planet—stewardship of a living planet, so we can do much more than just survive
Profit—healthy jobs lead to a healthy economy and healthy communities
7Gen Business Model
7 Generations' name
What is the story about our name?
The name “7 Generations” honors the ancient Great Law of the Iroquois (7th Generation), where all decisions carefully consider the past, present and future with respect to our ancestors, ourselves, and those yet to come. Each generation is responsible to learn, to teach, and to protect the three-generations that have come before us, our own generation, and seven generations into the future (a generation is roughly 25-years).
7 Generations LLC is organized as a Native owned holding company, with five wholly owned subsidiaries, for five industry verticals that include, water, health, agriculture, real estate, and energy “WHARE”. Whare is the word for a traditional longhouse structure for the Māori, the indigenous Polynesian people of mainland New Zealand.
7G embraces Etuaptmumk, or two-eyed seeing, which is a Mi’kmaq First Nations principle that calls for seeing from one eye with the strength of Indigenous stewardship, knowledge, and ways of knowing, and from the other eye with the strength of Western tools and systems. Bringing both perspectives together to create thoughtful, and more profitable solutions and results. Incorporating Indigenous values and traditional knowledge in our Projects will lead to greater more sustainable, and more profitable outcomes.
7G supports emerging young Indigenous leaders and entrepreneurs who are critical generators of the innovative thinking needed to fuel the 21st Century transition to more just, regenerative, and equitable impacts. Indigenous peoples are the sustainable workforce that will include valuable jobs in skilled trades, advanced technologies, business ventures and more.
Why we do it
7Gen is a values-driven, innovative, economic development company focused on positively impacting Native American nations and indigenous peoples across the Americas. Sovereignty, independence, cultural fulfillment, self-determination, self-sufficiency, resiliency, and wellbeing are Native Americans’ top goals. 7Gen seeks to develop better equity participation models with tribes that recognize and encompass their wide range of assets, ambitions, and priorities. This is accomplished in partnership with Native American Tribes/First Nations.
What we do
The 7Gen development team partners with tribes across North America. Potential economic development projects include clean energy, affordable housing, graphene manufacturing, industrial hemp farms and supply chain infrastructure, Cloud Farms, and master-planned Harvest Villages (“Villages”) mixed-use residential and industrial campuses. The results from achieving our goals include improving health and wellness, regenerative development, soil fertility, clean water, waste reduction, migrating to clean renewable energy, improving soil and environmental impacts, increasing local economic development. 7Gen’s social, environmental, and economic impact business model is inclusive and repeatable.
How we do it
7Gen establishes joint ventures with Tribes primarily within “Opportunity Zones” located on their lands, in order to maximize economic development opportunities, revenue and profit sharing. 7Gen arranges the necessary capital for the entire business and economic development projects. 7Gen undertakes and secures all necessary permits and approvals for development projects, from local, state, and federal agencies.